
DataWolfisaJavaapplicationthatusestheGuicedependencyinjectionframeworktobinddataaccessobjectsforpersistingapplicationinformation.Ageneric ...,2018年8月12日—Heyihavethisproblem,afteriextractData.wolfthegamecantfindoneofthefiles.Cananyonehelpmewiththis?SoulDust88.,AtoolthatextractsandinsertstextintopredefinedplacesinWolfRPGEditormapsintoandfromajsonfile.-GitHub-BlueM2ST/WolfText:Atoolthat ...,AS...

Data Wolf

Data Wolf is a Java application that uses the Guice dependency injection framework to bind data access objects for persisting application information. A generic ...

Wolf RPG Decryptor

2018年8月12日 — Hey i have this problem, after i extract Data.wolf the game cant find one of the files. Can anyone help me with this? SoulDust88.


A tool that extracts and inserts text into predefined places in Wolf RPG Editor maps into and from a json file. - GitHub - BlueM2ST/WolfText: A tool that ...


A Simple Wolf RPG File Decrypter capable of decrypting all current version of .wolf files, independent of the systems local setting, i.e., it works without the ...


The DXextract's decode works for extracting files from data.wolf. However, the devs also have the option to encrypt each file individually instead of encrypting ...

Wolf RPG Editor Game Data Archive

A WOLF file is an archive created by Wolf RPG Editor, a Japanese program used to create complex role-playing games (RPGs). It may contain one or more game ...

How to Translate WOLF RPG Editor Games

Find the Data.wolf file for the game and drag it onto arc_conv (or run it with command line, whatever). It should extract the files into a Data.wolf~ folder.

Wolf RPG Editor游戏解包

然后删掉原来的.wolf 文件。 4、将WOLF 编辑器汉化版(新版)里的内容(通用工具那里)复制进游戏文件夹下。

WOLF RPG Editor English 2.24Z

2019年8月5日 — You can use this to extract files from any .wolf files for the WOLF RPG Editor. After extracting the files, please put the original .wolf files ...